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NEW Shipping Policy...
Please read!

Estimating shipping is a tricky process, and no matter what I do, offering different shipping options on this website confuses people, and they often choose the wrong shipping options, leading me to eat some of the shipping cost.

For the next few months, I'm going to trial the following policy:

All orders, no matter how small, will be charged a $7.75 flat rate for shipping.


This covers most orders. IF you suspect that your order would be cheaper to mail (say, you're only purchasing 25 stickers), or more expensive to mail (a whole lotta postcards) you may make a comment at checkout to that effect and we can discuss. I suspect outliers will be few and far between, and

so making adjustments after the point-of-sale shouldn't be too much hassle.  

But know that I will do my best to keep shipping cheap and

to refund any over-charge of shipping that is more than $3 off.
If the package will cost me more than $10.50 to ship, I'll contact you and we can discuss options.

We will run this trial until mid-December, (or, if it is an epic failure, sooner) and reassess.

You should know that I strive to save as much as I can on shipping and packaging costs to keep prices low--you'll often see recycled materials in your packages, like leftover cardboard from a box, re-used tissue paper or packing peanuts. I use Pirate Ship to save on postage and I order my bubble mailers in bulk so each one is cheaper.
and remember--VIPs get free shipping every 3rd month!

If you have any questions or comments about shipping, I'm happy to answer them!
You'll likely get the fastest response from me if you contact me via text at 513.304.3680

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